Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Weeding thye Library Collection

The Weeding course taken on Webjunction was nice. I liked that it covered all the main issues for weeding materials and also had some interesting titles to look at that others have choose to weed. I believe that weeding is very important to a collection. But I also have a bit of resent for getting rid of some titles or materials from a collection too. That is why the idea it stated that we can make a display for last chances to get a material circulated or it had an idea to display creative ways when weeding an old book title, to possible get that title to seem important again.
Overall, I feel that it is a diffucult task yet extremely important. The assignment on weeding is not neccesary going to be easy now because there are many factors than just looking at a title to know if i would weed it. I will hope I can not be so overwhelmed by this project as the course said not to take weeding on at long periods rather to do it in intervals and patiently. Also I was going to do the JJC library and I spoke with someone about the project and they have already started weeding :( now I need to find a library I know more about and have more info to take into consideration instead of just going by MUSTIE. Or I might end up thing them all as UGLY ......LOL