Monday, October 25, 2010

Weedng the Collection

I took the “Weeding the Library Collection” on web junction. This class was interesting since we will be doing our “weeding project” soon and also gave some useful information for weeding the library I currently work in. The class emphasized the fact that weeding the library will save space and time, make the library more visually attractive, help you to know the strengths and weaknesses of your collection and help new materials stand out. It had great information and examples of what to weed. I am planning on using the tip to put a schedule for weeding as a weekly activity on my calendar.


  1. Interesting to know. I think I remeber correct, that you work in a school library? I did my accusations project on my old gradeschool libray. The librarian worker did not even know much about weeding. She was so interested in me telling her about the "mustie" and how and what it was. I think I taught her something and I did not even know too much about weeding myself. I am taking the weeding class now, so next time I have to know about it other than my next project I can be of some better help. the library worker told me she just got rid of a bunch of books just because. And that was upsetting to me because there is criteria to be met. I like your idea of scheduling a weeding agenda. It should be mandatory for schools to have knowledge in library for that reason and others but noone should just get rid of books because. I am excited for you taking this course.

  2. I took this course myself. I think that it's wise of you to make that schedule so you don't wind up getting burnt out, plus it ensures that you will do a more thorough job overall.

  3. I took this course as well and was impressed by having a detailed plan to follow, so as to have a guide throughout the entire process, from start to finish.
