Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I took the course on Cataloging. It was a very informative course. I enjoyed it, as I realized, I needed to know all this iformation on the types of cataloging, because I was unfamilar.
The course was very understanding. It was basically read and take in the info and test to see what you just learned. Fun, easy, and interesting.


  1. I took this course before I took the cataloging course here at JJC. I found it to be a great overview. Definitely helpful to have a little knowledge about the topic prior to the class.

  2. I took this one as well. It had a lot of information about terms that I have heard but wasn't quite sure what they were. This was very informative.

  3. I just finished this course and found it very informative also.

  4. I've yet to take the cataloging course at JJC. This seems like a good way to get familiar with the subject.
